It’s not every day that they come along, but for those few individuals that truly dedicate their hearts and souls to the sport of Touch, there’s nothing more rewarding than being appreciated and recognised by their peers.

Hastie, who has been involved in the association’s management since 1995, has also held various roles within the sport including player, coach and referee.

Before taking on the role of the Charters Towers Touch Association Secretary in 1995, Hastie had the honour of representing her region, state and country over an illustrious career as a player in the Women’s and Mixed divisions, culminating in two Trans-Tasman Test tours in 1992 and 1993.

When making the presentation, CTTA President Charles Youngberry highlighted Hastie’s involvement in the association and its obvious effects on the sport in the area.

“Kate has been a huge supporter of the association for a long time now and we know that we are definitely better off for that. We have just under 300 registered and playing members this season, which is a record for our association, and it all comes down to the hard work and commitment of people like Kate that enable us to support those numbers,” Youngberry said.

Friends and supporters from across the region took to the North Queensland Touch Association’s Facebook page to congratulate Kate on her achievement, quickly making it the most “liked” post in the page’s history.

NQTA Executive Officer, Billy Grant, said the award could not have gone to a more deserving recipient.

“Kate has had a great involvement with the sport over the years and has always been willing to lend a hand when it’s needed,” Grant said.

“She has been a strong supporter of both the Charters Towers and North Queensland Touch Association’s and it’s a pleasure to see her dedication rewarded with a Life Membership.”

The North Queensland Touch Association congratulates Kate on becoming a Life Member of the Charters Towers Touch Association and wishes her all the best for a long future in the sport.


Playing career highlights:

1989       NQ Ladies – won State Champs
1989       Shadow for QLD Ladies
1990       NQ Mixed, QLD Mixed, Australian Mixed
1992       NQ Mixed (Vice Captain), QLD Mixed (Vice Captain), Australian Mixed
1993       NQ Mixed (Vice Captain), QLD Mixed (Captain), Australian Mixed
1994       NQ Mixed (Captain), QLD Mixed (Vice Captain)
1997       NQ Over 30’s – won State Championships